A. Leah Zulas

Experimental Psychology
IGERT Fellow Since:
Fall 2010
Dr. Thomas A. Brigham Publications:
- Zulas, A.L., Jeffers, R., Grainger, J., & Fairbanks, C. (April, 2006) The Effects of Cell Phone Distraction in the Classroom on Absorption of Content Oral presentation at ILLOWA 2006, Monmouth College, IL.
- Zulas, A.L. (April, 2007) A Physiological and Personality Assessment of Online Gaming Addiction Poster presentation at Western Illinois Undergraduate research day 2007, Macomb, IL
- Zulas, A.L. (April 2007) Effects of Modafinil on Sensorimotor Gating in Rats Poster presentation at Western Illinois Undergraduate research day 2007, Macomb, IL
- Zulas, A.L. (May, 2007) A Physiological and Personality Assessment of Online Gaming Addiction Poster presentation accepted at Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL
- Zulas, A.L. (May, 2007) Effects of Modafinil on Sensorimotor Gating in Rats Poster presentation accepted at Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL
- McFadden, S.L., Zulas, A.L., & Morgan, R.E. (May, 2008) Age Dependent Effects of Modafinil on Acoustic Startle and Prepulse Inhibition in Rats. Poster presentation accepted at Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL
- McFadden, S.L., Zulas, A.L., & Morgan, R.E. (In press) Age Dependent Effects of Modafinil on Acoustic Startle and Prepulse Inhibition in Rats. Behavioral Brain Research, Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2009.11.016
Research Description:
Projects concerning user interface, desirability of technology in the home by elderly participants, and cognitive ability testing games.